Section 811 PRA (Project Rental Assistance)
The Section 811 PRA Program provides project-based rental assistance for extremely low-income persons with disabilities. In February 2013, the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD") awarded 13 states, including Pennsylvania, funding under the 811 Program. The first round of HUD funding provided for assistance for 200 units. In July 2014, PHFA was awarded funding for an additional 200 units.
Pennrose Management Company helps launch Section 811 PRA program
PHFA has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") with the Department of Human Services ("DHS") to develop permanent supportive housing for extremely low-income persons with disabilities, to afford those persons an opportunity to live in safe, affordable, accessible housing that is integrated into the community. This MOU coordinates the community-based services provided by DHS while utilizing PHFA's expertise in housing and housing-related issues to develop an efficient and cost effective rental assistance program.
In addition, PHFA and DHS have partnered with Self Determination Housing Partnership ("SDHP") to manage the 811 wait list. SDHP also works closely with Local Lead Agencies ("LLA") to identify and establish stakeholder groups to refer eligible applicants to the 811 program. SDHP will manage outreach, referrals and waiting list systems and serve as the single point of contact for housing providers, including developers, property managers and landlords.
Target Population
The target population for the 811 Program includes persons with extremely low income at or below 30% AMI. LLAs will identify and screen individuals within their service area who are currently residing in institutional settings as well as those in home and community-based residential settings, for interest to relocate into community-based housing units that receive assistance through the 811 Program.
Specifically, the 811 Program targets persons with disabilities, ages 18-61 at move in:
- who are institutionalized, but able to live in the community with permanent supportive housing,
- at risk of institutionalization, without permanent supportive housing,
- living in a congregate settings, who desire to move to the community.
Eligible Properties
PHFA is rolling out the 811 Program on a statewide basis and is currently working with new or existing Low Income Housing Tax Credit ("LIHTC") and/or HOME funded properties. Properties must contain at least 5 housing units and be designated for General or 55+ populations.
No more than 25% of the units at each property may receive 811 rental assistance payments; may be used for supportive housing for persons with disabilities; or have any occupancy preference for persons with disabilities.
Owners of eligible properties must be familiar with Section 8 program rules per the HUD 4350.3 Handbook and must have the ability to use the HUD systems for Tenant Rental Assistance Certification System ("TRACS") and Enterprise Income Verification System ("EIV").
Units must meet the program criteria for unit integration and accessibility and accessibility to transportation and services.
Initial Documents
Contracts and Exhibits
- 811 Project Rental Assistance Lease
- Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan
- Agreement to Enter Into a Rental Assistance Program (ARAC)
- Definitions
- HUD Rent Schedule Low Rent Housing Form 92458
- PHFA Tax Credit Lease Addendum
- Program Guidelines
- Rental Assistance Contract Part II
- Rental Assistance Contract, Part I
- Use Agreement
Guidance and Resources
- 4350.3 Appendix 3 Acceptable Forms of Verification
- 811 Indication to Participate in the FY25 LIHTC QAP
- 811 Indication to Participate in the PHARE RFP
- DUNS Technical Support
- H-2016-09, Streamlining Administrative Regulations
- HUD Multifamily Help Desk
- Owner Guide to HUD Secure System Access for Coordinators
- PDF Conversion Guidance
- Polling FAQs
- Property Software to Process Vouchers
- Multifamily Utility Allowance Factors
- 4350.3 Occupancy Requirements of Subsidized Multifamily Housing Programs
- DUNS Number and SAM Instructions
- EIV Application and Online Access for Multifamily Housing Programs
- EIV Training and Outreach for Multifamily Housing Programs
- Electronic Signature, Transmission and Storage – Guidance for Multifamily Assisted Housing Partners
- Housing Notice H 2013-24 Section 811 PRA Occupancy Interim Notice
- HUD Income Limits
- HUD OCAF Rates - 2024
- HUD Notice 2015-04 Methodology for Completing a Multifamily Housing Utility Analysis
- Unique Entity Identifier Update | GSA
- NOTICE H-2019-06 Treatment of ABLE Accounts in HUD-Assisted Programs
- HUD HOTMA Resource Page
- H2024-09 – HOTMA Revised Compliance Date
- EIV Usage Checklist
- Section 811 PRA Annual Recertification Checklist
- Section 811 PRA Desk Review Checklist
- Section 811 PRA Move-In File Checklist
- Section 811 PRA Move-Out File Checklist
- Section 811 PRA On-Site Review Checklist
- Tenant Selection Plan Checklist
- Tenant Selection Plan Topics - 4350.3
- VAWA Related Policies and Procedures
Voucher and Special Claim Processing
The voucher record and applicable tenant files must be transmitted electronically to PHFA's iMAX address TRACM00722.
NOTE: The submission of paper vouchers is no longer required.
If you need to information to obtain a new TRACS/iMAX ID, please send an email request to
- Form 1199A - Direct Deposit Sign-Up
- General Section 811 PRA Voucher Submission Requirements
- General Special Claim Submission Requirements
- Guidance for Processing Negative 811 PRA Vouchers
- Guidelines for Paperless Claim Submission
- Guidelines for Secure Document Submission
- HUD Special Claims for Regular Vacancies Form 52671-C
- Monthly Voucher Billing Cycle
- Property Information and Contact Sheet
- Regular Vacancy Claim Checklist
- Special Claims Schedule
- W-9 Form
- External TRACS Users Access and Training Requirements
- HUD Secure Systems Log-In and Apply for a User ID
- Rules of Behavior for Tenant Rental Assistance Certification System (TRACS) and Multifamily Enterprise Income Verification System (MF EIV)
- Special Claims Processing Guide
- Special Claims Processing Guide FAQS
- MAT Guide
- Special Claims How-To Video (YouTube)