Information about the Board
The Board of the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency (PHFA) sets policy and oversees the organization's operations. The Board has 14 members; the Secretary of Banking and Securities, the Secretary of Community and Economic Development, the Secretary of Human Services, and the State Treasurer, serve by virtue of their offices.
Four members are named to the Board by the majority and minority leaders of the State Senate and House of Representatives. Six members, private citizen, are appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the State Senate.
Board meetings are generally held the second Thursday of each month in the Agency's Harrisburg Office and begin at 10:30 a.m., unless specified otherwise.
Additional information will be available from time–to–time regarding special meetings.
If you would like to attend a PHFA Board meeting and need special assistance or, have any questions relating to these meetings, please contact Maggie Strawser at 717.780.3845.
PHFA Board Members

PA Treasury Department
State Treasurer

Tri-County Housing Development Corporation
Executive Director
Donco Construction, Inc.
Vice President

Executive Business Advisors

Thomas Mill Associates, Inc.

For a copy of an archived Agenda, please contact Maggie Strawser at 717.780.3845.
For a copy of an archived Minutes, please contact Maggie Strawser at 717.780.3845.
Public Meeting Notices
Public Notices: Pursuant to Act 84 of 1986 - Sunshine Act
If you are unable to access a public notice, please feel free to contact Maggie Strawser at 717.780.3845.
Hearing Notices
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